ASG Group Urges Manufacturers to Embrace Mentorship Amid Looming Skills Gap

ASG Group Embracing Mentorship Amid Looming Skills Gap

As the engineering sector grapples with a looming skills gap, ASG Group is advocating firms tap into the knowledge and experience of senior engineers' expertise to bridge the divide. With the average age of engineers in the UK hitting 54, and statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicating that 20% of the UK engineering community is slated to retire by 2030, the industry faces a potential shortfall of a staggering 1 million engineers by the end of the decade. As many engineers therefore are enjoying the twilight years of their career, there is a dwindling opportunity for firms to maximise the value of this invaluable skillset.

Recognising the urgency of the situation, ASG Group is championing mentorship aimed at nurturing the next generation of engineering talent. Sue Elton, an experienced machinist at recent King’s Award Winner for Enterprise; ASG Arrowsmith Engineering, has emerged as a prime example in such an initiative, offering her wealth of experience to guide and inspire younger apprentice engineers.

Group Managing Director Simon Weston states the critical role mentorship plays in ensuring the continuity of expertise within the industry. "The impending retirement of a significant portion of the engineering workforce presents both a challenge and an opportunity. By harnessing the knowledge and experience of our senior engineers like Sue Elton, we not only safeguard against the skills gap but also foster a culture of continuous learning and development."

The call for mentorship comes at a time when the demand for skilled engineers across all areas of engineering - continues to surge. With technological advancements driving rapid innovation, there is a pressing need for a diverse range of talents and perspectives to tackle complex challenges, creating opportunities for manufacturers to upskill workers.

ASG Group's proactive approach serves as a sound model for other engineering firms to follow suit. As the countdown to the retirement wave ticks closer, investing in mentorship initiatives today demonstrates a firm's commitment to nurturing talent and driving sustainable growth.

The adage that "The best way to predict the future is to create it," has never been so relevant to the world of engineering and through mentorship, ASG Group is striving for a brighter tomorrow.


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