Simon Weston Simon Weston

Strengthening Aerospace Market Evidenced in recent GE Divestiture

The aerospace sector has demonstrated remarkable strength, a sentiment echoed by GE Aerospace's pursuit of expansion into new markets beyond aircraft-engine manufacturing. This move resonates with ASG Group's own experience, as we have witnessed first hand the robustness of the lobal aerospace market.

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Simon Weston Simon Weston

ASG Tooling Assists Complex Airbus Projects with Coded Welder Expertise

The collaboration between ASG Tooling and Airbus underscores the critical role of fabrication in aerospace manufacturing. Large tooling and fabrication processes are at the heart of creating bespoke shipping media, essential for safeguarding delicate aerospace components during transit.

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Simon Weston Simon Weston

ASG Tooling Deliver Complete Aerospace Logistics via Air, Land and Sea

The expansion of ASG Tooling's offerings into the realm of air, land, and sea underscores the company's commitment to diversification and innovation. By leveraging its expertise in precision manufacturing and engineering, ASG Tooling is well-positioned to address the evolving needs of its customers across various industries.

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Simon Weston Simon Weston

Expanding CNC Machining Capabilities with DMG MORI DMU75

With over four decades of experience in the industry, ASG Group AMF Precision Engineering Ltd has earned a reputation for its unwavering commitment to quality and precision. The upcoming move to a new factory unit in Wirral represents yet another milestone in the company's journey towards delivering excellence in every aspect of its business

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Simon Weston Simon Weston

ASG Tooling Manufactures Large Mould Tool For Manufacturing of Wings

Operating from its facilities in the UK and Germany, ASG Tooling offers a comprehensive suite of services including design, fabrication, machining, finishing, and inspection. This integrated approach enables greater control over timescales, costs, and quality, crucial factors in the success of large-scale projects like the Airbus 'Wing of Tomorrow' initiative

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Simon Weston Simon Weston

ASG Group's Crucial Role in Global Aerospace Logistics

As the demands on global Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) continue to soar, the role of ASG Group becomes increasingly apparent. Serving as a linchpin between aerospace assembly sites on land, sea, and air, the company's adeptness in crafting shipping media tailored to the unique needs of Aerospace OEMs

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Simon Weston Simon Weston

Spotlight on National Apprenticeship Week 2024

Apprentices are the heartbeat of innovation and progress in our sector. They bring fresh perspectives, boundless energy, and a hunger to learn," states Weston. ASG Group is leveraging National Apprenticeship Week to emphasise its unwavering commitment to cultivating the leaders of tomorrow.

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Simon Weston Simon Weston

"The Sky's the Limit”: A Thriving Future for the UK Aerospace Industry"

The recent surge in Airbus deliveries is a clear signal that the global aerospace industry is not just recovering; it's propelling itself forward into a new era of innovation and expansion," Weston observes. "This growth has far-reaching implications for all stakeholders, including suppliers and manufacturers within the UK, and it aligns perfectly with our aspirations for the future of the aerospace industry.

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Simon Weston Simon Weston

UK Aerospace Suppliers Need To Be Bullish To Overcome Industry Growing Pains

The forecasted aerospace boom presents a golden opportunity for our industry to reclaim its position as a global leader," Weston asserts. "To seize this moment, we must be unyielding in our commitment to innovation, resilient in the face of supply chain disruptions, and strategic in acquiring and retaining top-tier talent

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