Promising future of UK aerospace needs to inspire next generation

In the realm of the UK aerospace and defence industry, we stand at the brink of remarkable breakthroughs that promise transformative impacts. From the potential of unmanned systems to the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and the advent of the Sixth-Generation Fighter Project, the horizon is filled with collaborative and innovative possibilities. However, the UK aerospace and defence industry must gear up to win the "war on talent."

At ASG Group, a leading aerospace component manufacturer spread across seven global locations with over $60 million in sales and a dedicated workforce of 350 employees, we recognise that the forthcoming years will demand skill sets akin to those in the automotive, telecommunications, and even media sectors. Our industry will require expertise in AI, automation, robotics, model-based systems engineering, and smart manufacturing. If our future success depends on continuing to offer a world class solution to our global customer base of long and short bed machining of hard, soft and exotic metals, then we will need the best future talent.

Yet, we must not overlook the importance of soft skills. As multinational consortiums continue to shape the landscape, cross-cultural collaboration skills will be indispensable. As the Sixth-Generation Fighter Project takes shape, engineers who can seamlessly collaborate with teams from Britain, Italy, Japan, and beyond will be invaluable.

The rising demand for cross-sector skills is also noteworthy. The rise of advanced white plants, capable of rapidly transitioning between the aerospace and defence industry and other sectors, necessitates engineers with exceptional technical abilities and remarkable intellectual and cultural adaptability.

The Compelling Business Case:

Amidst a competitive environment, luring young talent with invaluable technical skills to the aerospace sector may appear challenging. However, our industry has a compelling case to present:

  1. Global Impact: Our work holds immense significance. The future of democracy and even the planet itself are intricately tied to the success of this generation's aerospace engineers. Historical instances reveal that advancements born from the defence industry often transcend to benefit the entire world.

  2. Intriguing Challenges: Crafting a battery that can sustain flight without igniting, or designing drones for multifaceted tasks, poses captivating challenges. Solving these conundrums could revolutionise sustainable aviation and fuel advancements in diverse fields, including electric cars.

  3. Expanding Opportunities: In a world marked by geopolitical tensions and extreme weather, manufacturers increasingly value shorter supply chains. This demand necessitates multiple suppliers and research facilities, and as defence budgets grow, they foster a thriving workforce.

  4. Diversity is Flourishing: Aerospace is evolving into a more diverse industry. Women constitute more than 25.5% of the workforce, with increasing representation in leadership roles. Minority groups, too, are gaining ground in engineering opportunities.

  5. Compensation Outlook: As defense budgets rise and environmental pressures mount, aeronautics companies are set for steady growth. Survey results from EY indicate a need to review compensation levels, hinting at improved job offers.

Expanding the Talent Horizon

Beyond conventional recruitment, diversifying the talent pool can take various forms. At ASG Group, we invest in training our current workforce with new hard and soft skills. The torch of knowledge is also being passed between generations, fostering an environment of continual learning.

Furthermore, partnerships with universities to offer discounted STEM-focused tuition programs are nurturing the future generation of talents.

As we contemplate the vast potential within electric aircraft engines, unmanned systems, and the rise of AI, inspiring a generation that has witnessed challenges to harness technology's power for change shouldn't be an arduous task. At ASG Group, we're excited to be a part of this journey, propelling the aerospace and defense sector toward an exhilarating future.


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